Saturday, March 8, 2014

New York Art Fairs 2014 - March 5-9

Detail Image
Zanele Muholi, Lumka Stemela, Nyanga East, Cape Town, 2011 
From the series Faces and Phases 
30 x 20 inches, Silver Gelatin Print, Edition of 8\

In haste, I am writing to recommend the Art Dealers Association of America's 2014 exhibition at the Park Avenue Armory (alias 67th St. Armory).  Here is the write up on ArtNet

If you are overwhelmed by the number of venues, please make ADAA your first stop - then decide if you are up for more.  Admission is $25 - proceeds go to the Henry Street Settlement.

I am off to the Armory Show on Piers 92 and 94 today - will report later.

For more information on the New York Art Fairs - here is the skinny:

Armory Shows, 12th Ave at 55 St.
Volta, 82 Mercer Street
CLIO, 508 West 26th St.
The (Un)Fair, 500 West 52nd St.
Scope, 312 West 33rd St (Old Main Post Office)
Independent, 548 West 22nd St.
ADAA, Park Avene at 67th St.

Happy International Women's Day (Google the Doodle to celebrate!)
Beth New York

aka Beth S. Gersh-Nesic, Ph.D.

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