Monday, December 7, 2015

Happy Hanukah 2015/5776

Happy Hanukah!

Hanukah greetings to all who celebrate and to all who love to eat latkes (potato pancakes) and sufganiot (jelly donuts) regardless of faith or dietary restrictions (warning to vegans: both contain eggs).

May we all heed the story that tells of resilience against a mighty oppressor and the desire to have the right to worship without fear of persecution.

May this Festival of Lights called Hanukah ("dedication") inspire peace, hope and harmony.  And may all the radiance of the holiday season illuminate our world with goodness.

Despite news that all public celebrations of Hanukah in Paris were cancelled, there was in fact a tremendous celebration hosted by Chabad last night. Click on the label under the photograph to watch the 1 1/2 hour speeches, concert, etc.

Artemisia Gentileschi, Judith and her Maidservant, 1612-3

And, once again, the retelling of Judith and Holofernes in art.  Judith is celebrated on the fifth night of Hanukah, because she too saved the Jews from mass murder without a miracle or supernatural intervention. 

Best wishes/Chag Sameach,
Beth New York

aka Beth S. Gersh-Nesic, Ph.D.
New York Arts Exchange

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