Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Fall Courses 2015 and New Blogs

Michael Pupin's Birth Place in Idvor, Serbia

Happy end of summer and best wishes for the Labor Day Weekend.   I hope you all had wonderful experiences and enjoyed every minute of summer pleasures.

Please send me your list of art adventures.  Did you see "China" and Sargent at the Met?  Van Gogh and Whistler’s Mother at the Clark?
Hans Hofmann and "Pride" at the Bruce Museum?  "Alice" at the Morgan?
Did you see "Storylines" and Doris Salcedo at the Gugg?  Lots of old friends there (including a few from the New Museum Triennial we saw last May).  The Salcedo show is among my favorites this summer.

There is still time to catch them all.

This semester I won’t be able to give tours.  I agreed to give 3 courses at Purchase:
  • Pop Art, Mondays and Wednesdays, 4 – 5:45 pm at RCC campus (starts today)
  • Picasso, Thursdays, 6:30-9:50 pm, Purchase College campus (starts tomorrow)
  • Museum History and Fundamentals, Tuesdays, 6:30-9:30 pm, Purchase College campus (starts Sept. 15) – this is for the certificate program in Museum Studies.

You are welcome to register for the credit class with Friends of Humanities – only $65 per course: - if you are 60 years young or 60+.

If you would like to join the Museum Studies course, please let me know. This is a non-credit course and may not accept the Friends of Humanities privileges. Nevertheless, it's a great way concentrate on museum culture and have your say during our lively conversations.

Also – I started two blogs (in addition to this NY Arts Exchange blog):
"Summer in Serbia"    where I will add my pictures taken this summer, one batch at a time.

And Postmodern Mom:    where I post personal essays that have been rolling around in my brain for a while (inspired by the "Envy" exhibition at the Hudson River Museum).

I am sharing these blogs on Facebook, so if you are not on FB (or have not friended me on FB) and would like to receive these posts separately, please sign up to follow the blogs.  Many thanks!

I also started the Museum of Kindness on Facebook and have a blog for that too.
Please, please send me information that might contribute to this virtual museum. I would greatly appreciate it.

Please stay in touch – WRITE, CALL, TEXT!   I would love to hear from you.
And, please feel free to drop in to my classes. 

Love and hugs,

New York Arts Exchange

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